Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

From Turkey Day 07

ORPHAN'S THANKSGIVING '07 was one for the record books with cries of "Can I have some more please!" being heard well into the 11PM time zone. As usual all the kiddies kicked in a heap of yummy: Dave's crab bisque, the Hawkins' sausage stuffing, the Smuts' cabbage gratin, John's stinky cheeses and Jus and JJ brought the string beans and libations. By 2AM the last of the stragglers were slapping together for-the-road sandwiches and rolling their bellies out the front door.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Scary or what?

From Halloween

LEFT TO RIGHT: Um, no idea... professional wrestler?; The Little Mermaid with big tits (one of the only perks of being 12 weeks pregnant); chain saw maniac from some horror movie we can't seem to recollect; knocked up Catholic school girl; knocked up Catholic schoolgirl's boyfriend, the all American tattoo artist.

It's raining babies!

From Raining Babies

THE LAST FEW MONTHS have seen the birth of 3 beautiful, healthy little girls: top Izabela Molina (daughter of Dan and Enis), middle Tess Wiley (daughter of Lauren and Seth) and bottom Lyla Powers (daughter of Robyn and Zak). Click on the link above for pics of my visit to Philly to meet Tess back in September ( for more recent updates from the proud 'rents). Visit for week-by-week slide shows of Lyla. A big congratulations to all!

P.S. Our own wee Dillahunt is due to arrive mid-May next year. :)